15 research outputs found

    Revelations: Essays on Striptease and Sexuality. Margaret Dragu and A.S.A Harrison.

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    La perspectiva de género en el estudio de la ciencia política mexicana (2010-2020)

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    Hay pocos estudios que indagan la participación de las mujeres en la ciencia y son aún más escasos aquellos que reflexionan sobre el papel de las mujeres en el desarrollo de las disciplinas. En este trabajo destacamos dos aspectos del campo de la ciencia política mexicana: primero, las investigaciones con perspectiva de género, y segundo, la construcción de conocimiento que emprenden las mujeres. Se trata de una investigación de carácter exploratorio y descriptivo cuyo estudio de caso es la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) durante el periodo 2010-2020. Se analizan dos criterios: 1) los artículos publicados en dos revistas especializadas: la Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales y la Revista Estudios Políticos, y 2) los temas de género que fueron seleccionados para la elaboración de investigaciones para obtener el título de licenciatura en Ciencias Políticas y Administración Pública con especialidad en Ciencia Política, así como los grados de maestría en Estudios Políticos y Sociales y en el doctorado en Ciencias Políticas y Sociales con orientación en Ciencia Política. Los resultados muestran que el impacto del feminismo, la perspectiva de género y los estudios de género tienen una resonancia importante. Sin embargo, los objetos de estudio hegemónicos per- manecen estables y este campo de investigación, de la mano con las metodologías feministas, aún lucha por abrirse paso en la disciplina.There are very few papers that explore women’s participation in science, but there are even less on the reflection about how they contribute to the development of particular disciplines. In this work, we point out two aspects of the Mexican Political Science field: on the one hand, research carried out with a gender perspective; on the other, the construction of knowledge that women undertake. This is an exploratory and descriptive research that focuses on the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) during the period of 2010-2020. It analyzes two criteria: 1) published articles in two specialized journals: Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales and Revista Estudios Políticos; and 2) gender related issues selected by students to obtain their degree in Political Science and Public Administration specialized in Political Science, as well as their master’s degree in Social and Political Studies and their doctorate in Social and Political Science oriented towards Political Science. The results on this research show that the impact of feminism, gender perspective and gender studies has an important resonance in the Political Science field. However, hegemonic objects of study remain stable and this field of study, hand in hand with feminist methodologies, is still struggling to break through the discipline

    Feminist Reflections on the Scope of Labour Law: Domestic Work, Social Reproduction and Jurisdiction

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    Drawing on feminist labour law and political economy literature, I argue that it is crucial to interrogate the personal and territorial scope of labour. After discussing the “commodification” of care, global care chains, and body work, I claim that the territorial scope of labour law must be expanded beyond that nation state to include transnational processes. I use the idea of social reproduction both to illustrate and to examine some of the recurring regulatory dilemmas that plague labour markets. I argue that unpaid care and domestic work performed in the household, typically by women, troubles the personal scope of labour law. I use the example of this specific type of personal service relation to illustrate my claim that the jurisdiction of labour law is historical and contingent, rather than conceptual and universal. I conclude by identifying some of the implications of redrawing the territorial and personal scope of labour law in light of feminist understandings of social reproduction

    La perspectiva de género en el estudio de la ciencia política mexicana (2010-2020)

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    There are very few papers that explore women’s participation in science, but there are even less on the reflection about how they contribute to the development of particular disciplines. In this work, we point out two aspects of the Mexican Political Science field: on the one hand, research carried out with a gender perspective; on the other, the construction of knowledge that women undertake. This is an exploratory and descriptive research that focuses on the Universidad Nacional AutĂłnoma de MĂ©xico (UNAM) during the period of 2010-2020. It analyzes two criteria: 1) published articles in two specialized journals: Revista Mexicana de Ciencias PolĂ­ticas y Sociales and Revista Estudios PolĂ­ticos; and 2) genderrelated issues selected by students to obtain their degree in Political Science and Public Administration specialized in Political Science, as well as their master’s degree in Social and Political Studies and their doctorate in Social and Political Science oriented towards Political Science. The results on this research show that the impact of feminism, gender perspective and gender studies has an important resonance in the Political Science field. However, hegemonic objects of study remain stable and this field of study, hand in hand with feminist methodologies, is still struggling to break through the discipline.Hay pocos estudios que indagan la participaciĂłn de las mujeres en la ciencia y son aĂșn mĂĄs escasos aquellos que reflexionan sobre el papel de las mujeres en el desarrollo de las disciplinas. En este trabajo destacamos dos aspectos del campo de la ciencia polĂ­tica mexicana: primero, las investigaciones con perspectiva de gĂ©nero, y segundo, la construcciĂłn de conocimiento que emprenden las mujeres. Se trata de una investigaciĂłn de carĂĄcter exploratorio y descriptivo cuyo estudio de caso es la Universidad Nacional AutĂłnoma de MĂ©xico (UNAM) durante el periodo 2010-2020. Se analizan dos criterios: 1) los artĂ­culos publicados en dos revistas especializadas: la Revista Mexicana de Ciencias PolĂ­ticas y Sociales y la Revista Estudios PolĂ­ticos, y 2) los temas de gĂ©nero que fueron seleccionados para la elaboraciĂłn de investigaciones para obtener el tĂ­tulo de licenciatura en Ciencias PolĂ­ticas y AdministraciĂłn PĂșblica con especialidad en Ciencia PolĂ­tica, asĂ­ como los grados de maestrĂ­a en Estudios PolĂ­ticos y Sociales y en el doctorado en Ciencias PolĂ­ticas y Sociales con orientaciĂłn en Ciencia PolĂ­tica. Los resultados muestran que el impacto del feminismo, la perspectiva de gĂ©nero y los estudios de gĂ©nero tienen una resonancia importante. Sin embargo, los objetos de estudio hegemĂłnicos permanecen estables y este campo de investigaciĂłn, de la mano con las metodologĂ­as feministas, aĂșn lucha por abrirse paso en la disciplina

    Trifid nasopalatine canal: case report of a rare anatomical variation and its surgical implications

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    The nasopalatine canal is a long slender structure present in the midline of the anterior maxilla that connects the palate to the floor of the nasal cavity. The nasopalatine canal contains the nasopalatine nerve, the terminal branch of the nasopalatine artery, fibrous connective tissue, adipose tissue, and minor salivary glands. The purpose of this article was to report a case of a trifid nasopalatine canal detected by cone beam computed tomography prior to dental implant placement. A 47-year-old female patient was submitted to cone beam computed tomography. Axial and sagittal sections revealed a trifurcation of the nasopalatine canal. Each canal was separated from the other by bony septa and extended independently from the floor of the nasal cavity to the incisive foramen in the remnant of the alveolar process in the anterior region of the maxilla. Cone beam computed tomography has permitted better visualization of the details and anatomical variations of the nasopalatine canal. Detailed knowledge of variations in the shape, number and size of the nasopalatine canal is fundamental for surgical procedures, such as local anesthesia in the anterior maxillary region and placement of dental implants, in order to prevent damage to important arteries and nerves

    Frataxin gene editing rescues Friedreich’s ataxia pathology in dorsal root ganglia organoid-derived sensory neurons

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    Friedreich’s ataxia (FRDA) is an autosomal-recessive disorder. Here the authors describe a DRG organoid from patient derived-neurons and co-culture with muscle cells to mimic the disorder in vitro and demonstrate potential correction of the phenotype by CRISPR based editing